"I really need to clean this out; but I don't know how!" You say.
Well, my friend, I do and I can help!
What you will need: A purse, small little pouches, and lots and lots and lots of determination.
Start off by putting all of your makeup into a pouch. This can also include women's toiletries. Next place your cell phone in a very accessible pocket. If you have a certain lip gloss that you're wearing that day, you may place that in an accessible pocket also. If you have an Ipad, just set it in the Ipad pocket, if your purse has one, or just use a really nice Ipad case. If you carry magazines, like me, then obviously they don't have to go into a pouch. If you have your phone charger, headphones, wires, car chargers, or wall plugs, set those all in a pouch too, except for the headphones; headphones can go into an accessible pocket. If you carry highlighters and pens make sure they are sealed and you can clip them onto a pocket in your purse, if you have one. If you don't have a pocket, just set them into a pouch. Clear your purse of ALL receipts.

Now your purse should be filled up with lots of pretty, cute pouches; instead of a dump for all of your junk. I hope that this was helpful. Please comment and subscribe! Thanks.
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